I am a husband and father of three daughters and primary cleaner of laundry in our household.
Several years ago, I discovered that women change their clothes daily, sometimes multiple times a day. Crazy, I know.
I found myself spending 20 minutes or more per day of my precious life folding laundry and staring at our drab, undecorated laundry room.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but our laundry room was so ugly and boring that it made doing laundry even worse than it has to be.
Deeply overdue for some touch up paint anyway, my wife and I decided to really spice up our laundry room with some bright colors, family pictures and some of our favorite concert and vacation t-shirts framed in Shart T-Shirt Frames.
STEP 1: Pick a theme any theme. We chose our ski vacations because we had quite a few pictures, none of which were currently on display in our home.
STEP 2: Paint the room, but BEFORE YOU DO…Select a decorating centerpiece for your room before you choose a color to paint the room. We made the decision to use bright colors because laundry is not fun so we thought the room should be. We used a collage of pictures and ski resort maps. From those pictures, we picked some bright colors and then chose wall and island paint to match. In our case, it was the purple of my youngest daughter’s ski helmet. It was nice because this drew everything together.
STEP 3: Decorate with photos, pieces of Shart, memorabilia or kid’s art. Get creative and have fun! We used artwork from both my nephew and daughter, postcards and bumper stickers from our trips, a Shart Stuffed Pillow and a pair of old ski poles.
Wait till you see what a difference a little paint and some memories can do for ambiance and attitude. It’s amazing how much more I enjoy doing laundry and how much faster the time goes by. Instead of staring at blank walls, now I look at the photos and t-shirts and get lost in the memories.
The icing on the cake came when our youngest daughter commented that it looked too good to be a laundry room. Need more be said?
Please share if you know someone that could use to liven up their laundry room! Thanks.

How to Make Laundry Fun...or at least tolerable in three easy steps?
How to Make Laundry Fun...or at least tolerable in three easy steps?
- by Todd Schleuning
- May 26, 2017
- 2 min read